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This is the 3rd episode of male pelvic pain I've suffered through. The current episode began in Aug. 2015 and is still on going.

I've been to multiple other PT's as well as a neuromuscular massage therapist. Many months and dollars later,I finally went to a pain management doctor who recommended Josephine.

While not 100% cured, I feel much better and most importantly, finally found a PT whom I can trust and am comfortable working with. Highly recommended. -


The staff at the Center for Pelvic Wellness truly embrace a holistic approach to healing! For several weeks, I have been attending sessions 3x's per week. Through physical therapy, home exercises, and therapeutic massage, I am returning to life again! The staff truly build a personal connection with you recognizing that healing is just not physical, but also emotional.

Before my sessions started, I could barely move or sit or stand. I was, in essence, bedridden. Now, I am resuming full days at work; swimming; commuting to work; and walking. Plus, the staff helped me with ergonomic requests from my Employer to ensure that I am safely and comfortably getting through my work days.

Without this team of healthcare professionals, I could not envision my road to recovery from a major surgery. - 

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